The Best Morning Detox Water For Weight Loss

Here is one of the best morning detox water for weight loss that you can try today. This detox water recipe requires very few ingredients and takes only 3 minutes to make. I have been using this recipe along with a low-calorie diet for years and it has helped me a lot! Read more below.

So just a little disclaimer, drinking detox drinks alone will not make you lose weight! However, with the right ingredients, they can help fire up the body’s natural detoxification system to remove toxins from your body which in turn prevents obesity and fat storage.

That said if you continue to eat fatty and processed foods, this drink will not help you in any way. Changing your diet and lifestyle is very important for weight loss and longevity.

Morning Detox Water For Weight Loss


Morning Detox Water For Weight Loss

So the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract are responsible for getting rid of harmful toxins from the body naturally. In a healthy body, they can do the job quite perfectly without extra help. However, because of our diet and lifestyle nowadays, we make it harder for these organs to function properly.

Years of eating fries, muffins, cakes, hamburgers, and Kentucky begin to take a toll, we start to gain weight, we have less strength, we feel tired all the time and inflammation starts weeding itself within our cells, muscles, and skin. When this happens, our natural detoxification system starts to lag similar to data overload.

Now it needs help because it just can’t function properly on its own, this is where detox drinks come into play. But for them to be effective, you must change your diet, and choosing the right ingredients can help curb your appetite and keep you feeling full longer during the day, therefore, aiding in weight loss. 

Morning Detox Water For Weight Loss Ingredients

Lemon & Chai Morning Detox Water Ingredients

Ingredients for 1 serving | Total time: 3 minutes

  • 1/2 a lemon (fresh)
  • 2 cups of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds 
  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey to taste (optional)

How To Make Detox Water For Weight Loss

soak the chia seeds for 2 minutes

To make your detox water for weight loss, soak the chia seeds in warm water for 2 minutes until the seeds expand.

mix in the honey and lemon juice

Next, mix in the lemon juice and the honey, stir, and drink it right away early in the morning while still on an empty stomach. Always make sure to soak chia seeds before drinking them to prevent unwanted side effects.

Nutrition Facts

Each serving of this drink has | 152 calories | 8.9g total fat | 1g saturated fat | 0mg cholesterol | 16.6g total carbs | 12mg sodium | 11.1g dietary fiber | 1.3g total sugars | 5.2g protein | 198mg calcium | 2mg iron | 186mg potassium|

Chia Seeds Benefits For Weight Loss

Chia seeds are high in dietary fiber, just one tablespoon of chia seeds contains 6 grams of fiber. Dietary fiber is great for digestive health, it reduces constipation and helps you digest foods better. Remember that a healthy digestive system improves detoxification.

Also, chia seeds help increase fullness and slow the absorption of food, therefore, reducing cravings and making you feel full longer during the day. The less food we consume, the more weight we lose.

Lemon Juice Benefits For Weight Loss

There are so many benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning but one of its main benefits is promoting satiety. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C which helps reduce oxidative stress.

Research shows that oxidative stress causes fat storage and obesity. Also, drinking lemon juice in the morning is the best time because your metabolism is at its peak.

Now although lemons have all these wonderful benefits for weight loss, they can be dangerous to your health as well. Learn about the side effects of lemons.




I hope you try this drink and let me know what you think in the comments below. You can find me on Pinterest for more awesome tips. Until next time, stay awesome mama!

Morning Detox Water For Weight Loss

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