10 Refreshing Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipes To Enjoy This Summer

Apart from it’s numerous benefits, cantaloupe is very filling when combined with other ingredients into a smoothie. Fruits like bananas, papaya, peaches, apples and berries pair well with cantaloupe in smoothies. Here are 10 refreshing cantaloupe smoothie recipes to enjoy this summer.

Tip Time: always wash and remove cantaloupe seeds properly before suing them in your smoothies to prevent bacteria consumption.

Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipes

Cantaloupe Benefits

Cantaloupe is a fruit from the melon family. It’s low in calories, saturated fat, carbs, and contains a good amount of potassium. Like all melons, cantaloupe contains a good amount of water which is great for keeping you hydrated.

Also, cantaloupe provides the B vitamins Niacin, Folate and Vitamin B6 which are all great for the nervous system, metabolism and helps you sleep better.

Just 1 serving of cantaloupe will give you 82% of your daily recommended intake amount of vitamin C. Lastly, cantaloupe contains vitamin A plus 2 antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin) that improves your vision health.

10 Refreshing Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipes

1. Cantaloupe Banana Smoothie

This cantaloupe smoothie comes with bananas, yogurt, honey, a little bit of orange juice, and ice! It’s refreshing, healthy, and low in calories. I think you will love this recipe because of how well the ingredients combine into a creamy goodness.

2. Breakfast Cantaloupe Smoothie

A simple, refreshing, and healthy cantaloupe breakfast smoothie that is great for those hot summer mornings! This one is packed with amazing antioxidants, potassium & vitamin A rich, and a good amount of protein. You can have this smoothie ready in just 5 minutes!

3. Cantaloupe Ginger Smoothie

This cantaloupe ginger smoothie is rich and comes with a little bit of peach, banana, nuts, yogurt and lemon juice. Throw in some ice and you have the most delicious summer breakfast smoothie that is packed with protein, fiber and other essential nutrients.

4. Cantaloupe Cinnamon Smoothie

The flavors of this cinnamon cantaloupe smoothie will take your taste buds on a joy ride! Lol, me being appetizing! Throw together some cantaloupe, bananas, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon zest and milk along with ice to enjoy this delicious summer drink.

5. Soy Chia Cantaloupe Smoothie

This soy chia cantaloupe smoothie comes together by combining some cantaloupe, chia seeds, soy milk, frozen bananas and ice!  I love this smoothie cause it will keep you feeling full longer during the day and get you some amazing vitamins and minerals.

6. Cantaloupe Cauliflower Smoothie

Please don’t let the title of this cantaloupe cauliflower smoothie scare you because its packed with protein, carbs, potassium and fiber! Drinking just 1 glass of this smoothie will keep you going for hours. Throw in some ice and enjoy this summer goodness.

7. 4-ingredient Cantaloupe Smoothie

It really doesn’t get any easier than this cantaloupe smoothie! With only 4 ingredients, you can whip this bad boy up in less than a jiffy! Get yourself a good amount of ice and enjoy this finger licken goodness on a hot summer day!

8. Cantaloupe Mango Smoothie

Probably my favorite cantaloupe smoothie recipe so far! Maybe because I’m a mango lover lol. With just a few ingredients, you’ll have yourself a high protein, vitamins A & E rich smoothie! Throw in a generous amount of ice and enjoy this on a hot summer day.

9. Peach Cantaloupe Smoothie

It’s delicious, it’s refreshing, it’s healthy, it’s low in calories, it’s everything you want out of a smoothie to cool your thirst in a hot summer heat! I have no idea whats gotten into me today with all the words! They are just tumbling out of me. haha sorry, no seriously, you need to try this peach cantaloupe smoothie!

10. Coconut Cantaloupe Smoothie

Last but certainly not the least, we have the coconut cantaloupe smoothie. This recipe consist of only 3 ingredients and has a tropical flavor. You’ll also get a generous amount of healthy fats, vitamins E & C, and antioxidants. As usual, add in ice!

Who Should Avoid Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is a healthy fruit that can be enjoyed by everyone, however, people with type 2 diabetes should at least consult their doctors before adding this fruit to their diet. 

Want More Summer Drinks?


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Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipes

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