14 Best Mom Groups On Facebook

Looking for some supportive mom groups that you can join? Here are some of the best mom groups on Facebook worth joining! These groups are free for new parents with young babies and toddlers and they are extremely helpful! Continue reading to find the best Facebook groups!

No matter what age you are being a new parent takes a lot of work and every new mom definitely needs all the help she can get!

One of the best ways to find help is by joining a helpful community of like-minded individuals that are or have experienced what you are going through.

It can be really helpful and therapeutic to have a support system but the only way you’ll understand what I mean is by actually joining these groups and interacting with other moms like yourself.

Note that online communities are great for reducing signs of mom burnout.

Best Mom Groups On Facebook

Now just a few tips before you start joining these groups, please always read the rules and try to follow them. You also want to read through the posts and comments to get a feel of the members in each group.

You also want to introduce yourself when you join a group and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Now that we have that covered, here are the best mom groups on Facebook that I highly recommend you join for help and support.

If you are going through mom burnout, understand the stages and try these ways to help you overcome it!

General Facebook Mom Groups

1. Life With Boys

The Life with Boys Facebook group is a very active community of moms parenting boys. It’s a US-based group with over 68K members.

Members are really helpful in this group and trust me when I tell you, they will do their very best to help however they can.

2. Mom Life

The Mom Life Facebook group is not a very large group but its members are really active there. With only 8k members, you are welcome to vent, unwind, share jokes, advice, and tips, share your stories and collaborate with other moms like yourself in this group!

3. Widows, Divorced & Single Moms

Now if you are looking for an extra large community of old and young moms with tons of experience that you can share your problems with and find some sort of a solution, this group is definitely worth joining!

This UK-based group has almost 400k members and more than a thousand posts happening daily.

4. Twinsanity Group

So if you are a mom with twins and looking for a supportive community of other amazing moms like yourself, you may want to join the Twinsanity group! This is a very active group with over 30k followers who share helpful products, tips, and resources.

5. The Army Mom Life

If you are an army wife or mom, this community is definitely where you need to be. With close to 12k members who are very active, you can expect to have someone reply to you in no time.

You can also share tips and tricks on surviving motherhood while serving with other moms.

Best Facebook Groups For Single Moms

6. Single Mom Life

So the Single Mom Life Facebook group is a place for single moms to go and share ideas, and tips, and help each other make parenting while single feel like a breeze.

After spending 5 minutes in this group, I found the members to be really nice and welcoming.

RelatedHow To Explain Mom Burnout To Husband

7. Single Mom Alliance Group

The Single Mom Alliance Group is a community for single moms to come together, and get free resources, tips, and advice on parenting.

This is a very active group of almost 12k members, with lots of discussions going on daily. You can also find helpful tips on finance, healthcare, education, employment, etc.

8. Single & Pregnant Mom Support Group

The Single & Pregnant Mom Support Group is one of the best online communities that I have joined so far. Now even though I am not single, there isn’t any judging going on in this group.

The members are extremely helpful and very active and you can expect to get an answer to your question as soon as you ask!

9. Single Moms In Canada

Okay so this one is a fairly smaller group of 6k members but it’s surprisingly very active! There is one problem though, you will need to be a Canadian resident to join this group.

That said, It is a very supportive environment for young and single moms to get help.

Best Facebook Groups For Young Moms

10. Living The Mom Life

Living the mom life group is for expecting moms and young moms with kids, however, you will find all types of discussions happening in this group.

It’s actually a very active and welcoming community with over 54k members. The group is a public group and anyone can join right away. I actually like the energy in this group.

11. Young Mom’s Club

The Young Moms Club is a community of young moms who share their experiences, failures, and successes in parenting.

You will also find other first-time and expecting moms in this group. This is a very active group with over 42k members so if you think it’s a good fit for you, go ahead and join.

RelatedFinding Purpose As A Stay-At-Home Mom

12. Expecting First-Time Moms

If you are a young and expecting first-time mom, you will enjoy being a part of this amazingly helpful Facebook community.

There are over 26k members in this group who share and help each other go through pregnancy. You would be surprised by how welcoming this group is!

13. Teens & Young Moms Support Group

Just like the name says, this group is a very safe and supportive place for young teen moms to find helpful advice, make new friends, and share their experiences of motherhood.

Although small compared to other mom groups on Facebook, it’s actually very active and growing daily!

14. Young Moms & Moms To Be

With over 18k members and more joining each day, this young mom’s Facebook group is a very active community of new and expecting moms.

These amazing ladies come together daily to answer questions, give helpful tips, and are mostly just very supportive!


There you go! Now you have a list of Facebook groups for moms that can help you through your parenting journey! If you liked this post, don’t forget to share it, and also follow me on Pinterest for more awesome tips! Until next time, stay awesome mama!

best facebook groups for moms

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