Easy Old Fashioned Chicken Broth Recipe

Try this easy old fashioned chicken broth recipe and you will never buy chicken broth again! This recipe has been in my family for ages and was passed down to my mom by her grandmother who was famous for her recipes! I use it in almost all of my recipes and they always taste amazing!

Chicken broth is extremely nutritious, it is filled with vitamins, minerals, and collagen which I know we all need at some point. There are many great brands of chicken broth that taste amazing but I always like to have a batch of homemade chicken broth in my fridge and you should too!

old fashioned chicken broth recipe

Easy Old Fashioned Chicken Broth Recipe

Don’t worry, even if you haven’t made one before, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of making your very own chicken broth in no time! Don’t get me wrong though, it will take up to 12 hours to come up with the best quality broth but it’s worth every second.

This chicken broth, similar to chicken stock can be used in sauces, stews, rice recipes, soup recipes, pasta recipes, and any recipe that requires you to add water. Instead of adding water, I prefer to use chicken broth but just don’t add it to beef recipes because it can alter the taste. Lastly, chicken broth is high in sodium therefore, you will need to adjust your salt.

Chicken Broth Recipe

In most cases, every recipe may call for 1-2 quarts of chicken broth, therefore this recipe may yield 2-3 servings. Simply increase your ingredients if you want to make a huge batch. You can store chicken broth in the fridge for up to 4 days but if frozen, can last up to 3 months.


  • 3 pounds of chicken with bones
  • 3 large carrots (cut into chunks)
  • 3 celery sticks (cut into chunks)
  • 3 large onions (quartered)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary
  • 6 whole peppercorns
  • 3 quarts of water (12 cups)

How To Make Old Fashioned Chicken Broth

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to make the perfect chicken broth.

Step 1

Wash the chicken thoroughly and combine it with the rest of your ingredients in a very large pot or dutch oven. Make sure that the water covers all of the ingredients.

Step 2

Once the broth starts to boil, remove the foam from over it every 3-4 minutes. Make sure that the chicken broth reaches a boiling point and lower the heat to the lowest possible.

Step 3

Continue to check on the broth occasionally to remove any excess foam and let it continue to simmer for up to 12 hours. Remember, you do not want the broth to boil down quickly, you want it to simmer for as long as possible to extract all the nutrients from the chicken bones to get that perfect broth.

Step 4

After 12 hours, set the chicken broth aside and let it cool completely before straining it, discard the meat, vegetables, and seasoning and transfer the liquid only into an airtight plastic container or jar. Store it in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Please note that storing glass jars in the freezer can cause them to explode so a plastic container is better for frozen recipes.

Old Fashioned Chicken Broth Nutrition Facts

Each serving of this chicken broth contains 874 calories, 21% total fat, 20% saturated fat, 116% cholesterol, 18% sodium, 13% total carbs, 22% dietary fiber, 136 grams of protein, 14% calcium, 26% iron, and 31% potassium. The % value in this recipe is based on a 2000-calorie diet.

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