Best Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

Here is the best homemade chicken stock recipe you will ever make! Chicken stock has been used from the beginning of time as a base to season soups, stews, and almost every lunch or dinner recipe you can think of. It is also used to marinate ingredients, it is easy to make and can be stored in the fridge for future occasions.

So before we begin I just want to make sure that you understand that is recipe is for chicken stock and not chicken broth. Making chicken broth takes a lot longer to make compared to chicken stock which requires less time and ingredients. I always have a batch of chicken stock somewhere in my fridge and it does come in handy!

Best Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

Best Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

In my house, there is always chicken for dinner! Okay so not every single day but at least 5 times per week, my kids tend to finish their plates when there is chicken compared to other types of protein so I make it quite often. I think that is why I know soo much about making chicken stock because I use it in all my chicken recipes.

Now don’t get me wrong, I use chicken bullion and store-bought chicken stock a lot when I am short on time or low on stock. They taste great but I find that making your own and using it in your recipes trumps store-bought any day! If you haven’t already, you do need to try homemade chicken stock.

Chicken Stock Ingredients

The basic chicken stock ingredients consist of chicken, water, onions, garlic, bay leaves, celery, carrots, rosemary, thyme, and peppercorns. The 2 main ingredient in chicken stock is obviously the chicken and water, the rest of the ingredients are there to add flavor plus vitamins and minerals.

A simple chicken stock can be made by simply boiling, chicken + bones with water, removing foam, and simmering to reach a thick gelatin-like consistency that is rich in flavor!

Chicken Stock Recipe

  • 3 pounds of chicken with bones and skin
  • 3 quarts of water (12 cups)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 large onions ( quartered)
  • 3 large celery stalks (cut into chunks)
  • 3 large carrots (cut into chunks)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 whole peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 2 fresh lemons (for cleaning the chicken)
  • 1 tablespoon of rock salt (for cleaning the chicken)

How To Make Chicken Stock Step By Step

To make your chicken stock, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Step 1

Place the chicken in a large bowl and sprinkle with a tablespoon of rock salt, squeeze 2 fresh lemon juice over the chicken but do not throw away the shells. Mix the 3 ingredients together and let it sit for 5 minutes. Get the lemon shells and begin to scrub each of the chickens until they look and smell nice.

Add more lemon if you need to and when you are done, rinse the lemon and salt off of the chicken and put them in a large pot.

Step 2

Add in the water, (make sure the water covers all of the ingredients, if not, add more water) bay leaves, onions, celery, carrots, peppercorns, garlic, rosemary, and thyme. Cover the pot and place it on high heat. After 5-10 minutes, open up the pot and begin removing the white foam from over the chicken stock.

Repeat this process a few more times until the chicken starts to boil.

Step 3

Lower the heat to the lowest and let the chicken stock simmer uncovered for 4-5 hours or until your stock becomes thickened. set it aside and let it cool completely before straining it to extract only the liquid. Pour your chicken stock into airtight plastic containers and store them in the freezer for up to 3 months or in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Homemade Chicken Stock Nutrition Facts

This recipe makes up to 3 servings. Each serving of this chicken stock contains 821 calories, 19% total fat, 20% saturated fat, 116% cholesterol, 18% sodium, 11% total carbs, 23% dietary fiber, 135 grams of protein, 14% calcium, 29% iron, and 32% potassium. These percentages are based on a 2000-calorie diet.

Chicken Stock Substitutes

The best chicken stock substitute is actually water but another good option is chicken bullion cubes. There are different good brands like Maggi, or Knor, both of which I use and they taste amazing! That said, nothing trumps homemade chicken stock!

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