Anti-Inflammatory Lentil Soup

It’s common knowledge that lentils are filled with fiber and iron but did you know that they help rid the body of inflammation too? Yep, by choosing the right lentils to add to your diet, you can reduce inflammation naturally. Here is my favorite anti-inflammatory lentil soup recipe.

When trying to reduce inflammation, look for foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds.

Black and red lentils contain more antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids than other types making them perfect for inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Lentil Soup

Anti-Inflammatory Lentil Soup

So inflammation happens when the immune system tries to fight against germs, bacteria, fungi, toxins, viruses, and chemicals.

These are things that are everywhere around us daily and it’s nearly impossible to prevent them from getting into your system but they can be controlled.

There are 2 main types of inflammation, acute and chronic. Acute inflammation happens when your body combats these pathogens.

Chronic inflammation is when the body continues to send inflammatory cells to fight even when there is no danger.

When this happens, you start to experience symptoms like swelling, pain, redness, heat, and loss of function in certain areas of your body.

By eating the right foods, losing weight, exercising, drinking enough water, and sleeping well, you can reduce inflammation naturally.

Anti-inflammatory Lentil Soup Recipe

This lentil soup for inflammation yields 3 servings and can be ready in about 45 minutes.


  • 1 cup of red lentils (uncooked & washed)
  • 1 medium onion (chopped)
  • 2 medium carrots (chopped)
  • 1 medium celery stalk (diced)
  • 1 tsp of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp of ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of black pepper
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1/2 a lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil
  • 1 tbsp of fresh parsley (chopped)

How To Make This Anti-Inflammatory Lentil Soup

Start by heating the olive oil and saute the onions until pale in color, add in the carrots and toss them around for a minute or two.

Next, add in the celery stalks and lentils, give them a quick toss, and add in the water, turmeric, cumin, salt, and black pepper.

Cover and keep the heat on high, as soon as it starts to boil, remove the topping and lower the heat. Half cover the pot so that it does not overflow.

Let it cook for 30-45 minutes on low heat or until it’s done. Sprinkle with parsley and some lemon juice and voila, you’re done.

Anti-inflammatory Lentil Soup Nutrition Facts

Each serving of this anti-inflammatory lentil soup contains | 264 calories | 10 grams of total fat | 1.6 grams of saturated fat | 21% sodium | 33.8g total cabs | 15g dietary fiber |6.5 grams of sugar | 11 grams of protein | 118mg calcium | 32% iron | 898mg potassium.

What Is Considered A Serving Size

So a serving of soup is usually 245 grams. This should add up to a little over 1 cup which is exactly 8.5oz. With that being said, lentil soup has very low calories and a ton of fiber and protein so you can easily consume around 300g per serving, which should amount to 1 1/3 cups.

Are Lentils Anti-Inflammatory?

Yes, lentils and legumes are really effective in reducing inflammation because they are rich in fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and phytonutrients. According to this study, people who eat high-fiber foods like lentils have lower levels of inflammation.

Which Lentil Is Anti-Inflammatory?

Red and black lentils have the highest amounts of antioxidants and fiber needed to fight inflammation in the body. Also, sprouted lentils (soaked lentils) can provide you with a lot more antioxidants to fight inflammation.

Lastly, 1 cup of lentil contains 480 mg of omega-3 fatty acids which also helps reduce inflammation markers in the body.

How Does This Lentil Soup Reduce Inflammation?

Lentils are rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants that help reduce inflammatory markers in the body. Eating lentils at least 3 times per week is a great way to get all of its amazing benefits.

Carrots contain a good amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene, both have been shown to reduce inflammation. Celery contains an anti-inflammatory compound known as luteolin and turmeric isn’t just a spice.

It has a ton of health benefits including anti-inflammatory properties. Adding turmeric to your meals regularly can reduce the production of enzymes responsible for inflammation.

Cumin powder helps reduce the effects of inflammation such as pain and swelling due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Soups You May Like To Try


There you go! A tasty lentil recipe that actually helps you reduce inflammation. I hope you found this post helpful, if you did, please share it.

I would also love to know how you liked the taste and if you found it helpful. Let me know in the comments below. You can find me on Pinterest if you want to stay updated on new posts and recipes.

Until next time, stay awesome!

Anti-Inflammatory Lentil Soup

Please Share My Post, It Really Helps. Thanks A Million!


  1. Wonderful taste!! I wasn’t sure if my husband would like it, but after 3 bowls, I would say he did!!
    I will definitely make it again! ????????

    1. Wow! Thats music to my ears, I am soo glad you and your husband liked the recipe and it’s really nice of you to leave such a positive review. Thanks a lot and stay awesome.

  2. This looks delicious! When the recipe calls for one celery stalk, is it referring to a single stalk from a head of celery that has multiple sticks of celery attached, or just one single stick/stalk from a head of celery? Thanks!

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment, sorry for the late reply and I hope you enjoy the recipe. Yes it’s calling for a single sick of celery from the whole head.

  3. Delicious!!! Very hearty stick to the ribs soup. The only thing I would add is garlic!!
    Thanks for the recipe

    1. Thank you soo much for leaving a comment, I will definitely try it with garlic and see how it tastes. Stay awesome.

      1. I added garlic, garlic is always a must in my opinion lol

  4. How much is a serving? It gives nutrition facts for a serving but it doesn’t say how a serving is measured

    1. hi Jamie, sorry for the late reply, I’ve been getting this question often so I think I should update the post with this information. So a serving of a soup is usually 245 grams per serving. This should add up to a little over 1 cup which is exactly 8.5oz. With that being said, lentil soup has very low calorie and a ton of fiber and protein so you can easily consume around 300g per serving, that should amount to 1 1/3 cup.

  5. Made it, ate it????, enjoyed for sure. Simply delicious with simple ingredients. I usually use red lentils for Indian cooking but this was sure different and delicious. Thank you sharing this recipe. Will make it again ????

    1. Hi Reema, I am soo glad you liked it and thank you soo much for leaving a comment. Stay awesome!

  6. This sounds absolutely delectable! Just wondering, how long would leftovers last in the fridge?

  7. Made this for my husband preparing for heart surgery. He said it was so tasty – good balance of stuff. It’s hard to find heart healthy, low sodium recipes. Thanks for this one. Making again.

    1. I am so glad you liked the recipe, I hope your husband feels better soon and thanks for leaving a comment.

  8. Hi, I’ve never cooked with lentils before…do I soak them overnight like beans for a softer texture? Is any presoaking required? Thanks!

    1. Hi, and sorry for the late reply, oh no you dont soak lentils, just rinse them under running water until you get rid of most of the extra starch. Hope you enjoy the recipe.

  9. Thank you so much! I made this today, adding some things to it and it was SO good! Starchy texture but very satisfying. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I’m trying to add more fiber to my diet to see if it help with my chronic pain 🤞🏻 and looking forward to eating this throughout the week!

    I see dietary fiber is 78% but how many grams of fiber is in a typical 245g serving?

    1. Hi Fee, how are you? I am soo glad you liked the recipe and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I just went back in and edited the nutrition facts from percentages to grams. Each serving of this lentil soup has 15.5 grams of dietary fiber. Sad to hear about your pain, I can totally relate, I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Do you think this would work if I added some chicken? I assume I would need to increase the amount of liquid. This looks so yummy and would be great to use up my stockpile of lentils!

    1. Hi Caitlin, sorry for the late reply, yes you can add boiled chicken breast to keep the recipe anti-inflammatory. No you dont have to increase the liquid if the chicken is already cooked. I am happy to have you on my blog and hope you enjoy the recipe.

  11. Hi! A friend of mine is having surgery, so I’m making her some freezer meals, and thought this would be a good one for her! Have you had any luck freezing this and reheating it later? Just curious if you have any tips or tricks for this!

    1. Hi Kassi, so sorry for the late reply, I hope your friend feels better soon. Yes, you can freeze this red lentil soup perfectly for up to 3 months. However, I recommend freezing for 1 month only when it comes to soups to preserve their taste and texture. For reheating, simply let the soup thaw completely on your kitchen counter and either simmer on the stove top or reheat in the microwave.

  12. I made this today with green lentils bc that’s what I had…I had to readjust the seasoning bc I doubled it. The hit of lemon juice is great! Also, I added spinach as another recipe had…very good too! Thanks!

    1. Hi Tracy, so glad you liked the recipe and thanks for taking the time to leave a positive review. I’m so sorry for the late reply and I would definitely try your version as well.

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