Best Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Muffins

These delicious anti-inflammatory blueberry muffins are definitely worth trying! I love muffins, they are easy to make and great for breakfast. Now a lot of people think that muffins won’t taste good if made with low-calorie healthy ingredients but maybe this one will change your mind.

Dealing with inflammation can be very frustrating especially when you are doing all the right things and eating all the right foods. I’ve been battling RA for over 3 years now and it’s not fun that’s why I’m always in search of recipes to try.

Now, maybe if I took the pills the doctor prescribed, I wouldn’t be on the hunt so often but I just hate pills and believe that food is medicine.

I actually tried this blueberry muffin recipe and liked it a lot a while back so let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Muffins

Best Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Muffins

If you don’t know what inflammation is, here’s a quick breakdown: Inflammation is the body’s way of telling you that something is not right. You have an invader that the immune system needs to get rid of.

Now inflammation is not always bad and usually goes away after it does its job. That said, when it lingers in the body longer or is caused by autoimmune diseases like arthritis or rheumatism, it starts to attack parts of your body like joints, muscles, tissues, and even internal organs.

That’s why it’s important to get rid of it and the best way to do so is by changing your diet and lifestyle! Okay, enough of that, here’s your recipe!

Ingredients for 12 servings | Cooking & Prep Time 40 mins |

  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries (if frozen, let it thaw completely)
  • 2 cups of organic almond flour (use organic brown rice flour if allergic)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of organic almond milk
  • 1/2 cup of pure maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (melted)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt


Preheat your oven to 350 F, oil your muffin tray with coconut oil or non-stick cooking spray, and set it aside. In a bowl mix all of your dry ingredients and set aside.

In another bowl, add the eggs, coconut oil, milk, vanilla extract, and maple syrup, and mix until well combined. Mix the dry ingredients into an even mixture and fold in the blueberries.

Transfer the batter to the muffin tray and evenly fill them up 2/3 full and place it in the oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until done.

Note: I had a comment on the baking time from one of my readers, her muffins were done in 20 minutes so check yours regularly because different ovens get you different results when it comes to baking.

To test if the muffins are cooked, use a small wooden stick and prick it in the middle, if it comes out dry, your muffins are done.

Set it aside to cool completely and enjoy!

Note: This recipe can be made using any berry of your choice. You can also mix the batter in a food processor to get a fluffier muffin. Also, if you are using frozen berries, let them thaw first, or else the muffins will come out mushy. (thanks to a reader who tried it and shared her experience)

Other muffin recipes for inflammation:

Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Muffins Nutrition Facts

Each serving of this recipe contains 113 calories | 7% total fat | 13% saturated fat | 14% cholesterol | 9% sodium | 13g total carbs | 4% dietary fiber | 10g total sugars | 2.6g protein | 8mcg vitamin D | 1% calcium | 4% iron | 1% potassium

Pro Tips:

After baking your muffins, remove them from the oven and immediately turn them upside down to cool. Cover them with a clean kitchen towel so that they get more volume and prevent mushy bottoms. also, make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature before you start mixing.

Are Blueberries Good For Inflammation?

Absolutely! Blueberries are anti-inflammatory and contain over 13,000 antioxidants putting them at the top of the superfruits list!

They help reduce chronic inflammation thanks to flavonoids and anthocyanins. Drinking blueberry smoothies or snacking on them daily can help eliminate free radicals as well.

The best part about this fruit is that you can eat up to 2 cups daily without worrying, 1 cup contains just 80 calories and 4 grams of fiber which is great for digestion.

Other Ingredients Used In This Recipe

  • Almond milk contains a healthy dose of vitamin E which reduces inflammatory markers. [source]
  • Coconut oil does help lower inflammation but it must be 100% organic coconut oil. [source]
  • Cinnamon stops and reduces the production of inflammatory molecules. [source]

How To Store Your Muffins

There are 3 ways to store leftover or large batches of homemade muffins. 1. You can keep it at room temperature on your kitchen counter in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Just make sure your muffins are completely cooled and line your container with a paper towel before you do.

2. You can freeze your muffins for up to 3 months. Just wrap each muffin in aluminum foil or place them in a single layer in a freezer bag.

3. Lastly, try your best not to keep muffins in the fridge but if your muffins contain ingredients like cheese or meat, you can keep them there for up to 6 days.


Are you going to try these muffins? Let me know how they turn out in the comments below! You can find me on Pinterest for more awesome recipes and weight loss tips. Until next time, stay awesome mama!

Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Muffins

Please Share My Post, It Really Helps. Thanks A Million!


  1. 400 degrees us way too high to bake these. Mine were burnt by 18 minutes. I should have checked. So disappointed! I did try one of the bottoms of the burnt ones and it did have good flavor but what a waste of ingredients 🙁

    1. I am soo sorry to hear that, did you use the middle rack? I Hope you try the recipe again with lower heat. I will add this information to the post so that others can be careful. Thanks a lot for leaving a comment and sorry again.

      1. I’m back again 🙂 350 worked much better for me! I have another question, mine don’t rise or look like yours. I know it says Baking soda in the recipe but do you add baking powder also to get yours to rise so nicely like in the pics? Thanks!

        1. hey Emily, nice to hear from you again and soo sorry for the late reply, no I do not add baking soda but do add in 1 teaspoon and see if it comes out better for you. With that being said, try to get all your ingredients to room temperature before mixing, this helps the batter trap air which makes the muffins expand. Also, don’t overmix the batter, it can make your muffins come out flatter. Hope this helps and let me know how it comes out.

        2. The recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of baking soda and if either are expired you won’t get a rise.

  2. Can you use 1:1 gluten free flour? Oat milk or regular milk? Alao doesthe maple syrup, just a question, have to be pure? Asking for a slight modificaton for the kiddos.

    1. Hey, I am soo sorry for the late reply, yes you can use the gluten free flour and oat or regular milk but if you want to keep it low calorie, choose low fat milk. The maple syrup doesn’t have to be pure although its better but as long as you aren’t adding a lot of it, it should be okay.

  3. Good morning…can these muffins be frozen as well if I make a HUGE batch? If so how would you recommend wrapping/storing them for freezer stay?


    1. Hi Kim, thanks for asking this question, it actually reminded me to go back and edit the post. There are 3 ways to store leftover or large batches of homemade muffins. 1. You can keep it at room temperature on your kitchen counter in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Just make sure your muffins are completely cooled and line your container with a paper towel before you do.

      2. You can freeze your muffins for up to 3 months. Just wrap each muffin in aluminum foil or place them in a single layer in a freezer bag.

      3. Lastly, try your best not to keep muffins in the fridge but if your muffins contain ingredients like cheese or meat, you can keep them there for up to 6 days.

  4. And what would the time for baking be if you wanted to make a blueberry loaf instead of muffins?


    1. Since you’re only changing pan size for the loaf, you will use the same temperature which is 350F

  5. Do you thaw the blueberries if frozen? Might be a silly question.

    1. Hi Carrie, no, that’s an excellent question, in fact, I am going to update the post with that information right now! Yes you should thaw the blueberries if frozen or else the ice crystals are going to make them mushy. I just found out from someone who tried it with frozen blueberries. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

  6. I tried making with frozen berries and I wouldn’t do that again. They became too mushy because of the ice crystals on the fruit and I used mixed berries which were raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. I think raspberries added to the mushiness. The muffins do have good flavor though. I’m going to try making with cacao chips instead of fruit, and let’s see what happens.

    1. I am soo sorry to hear that and grateful for your feedback. I will share your findings right now in the post so others wont make the same mistake. Thanks and again Iam so sorry.

  7. WOW! What a mess! My muffin’s totally were ruined ???? I used walnut flour instead of almond and didn’t think it would wreck the recipe but it did!! They were burnt looking on the outside, didn’t rise at all & raw inside! I have a thermometer in the oven so the temperature was accurate. The only change was the walnut flour. Your thoughts????

    1. Mine were a mess too!! And I used gf organic almond flour. But I’ve made them twice and they do not look like hers ☹️ they still taste good. But I’ve done something wrong. Mine look burnt/brown, sink in the middle and gooey on the inside. I’m going to try again with all ingredients room temp. Maybe that will fix it?

      1. Mine were exactly like yours! Even with room temp ingredients and fresh baking powder and soda. And they stuck in the pan. Oh well.

        1. Hey Georgia, did you add any other frozen fruit or more blueberries than the recipe called for? If so, frozen fruits add more liquid to muffins, therefore, letting your fruits thaw completely is the best way to prevent your outcome. Didnt you use muffin cups? Why did they stick to the bottom? Thats strange, I use this exact recipe all the time and that hasnt happened to me yet.

  8. Can’t wait to try these!
    Also for anyone battling any sort of inflammation, if you like coffee, try going without it for one week and see how your body responds. My hands were awful at one point. So painful and developing bumps at the joint. I gave up coffee and the pain and swelling went away. I will occasionally enjoy a cup, and that keeps the swelling at bay. Too much sugar is also culprit which also includes white flour.
    Happy baking, everyone!!

    1. Thanks so much for the comment and tips

  9. I made these as mini muffins and they were great!I’m trying not to eat them all! Baked at 350 degrees like you said. I have a convection oven so don’t have problems with having to use certain levels in the oven and I have to adjust my oven 30 degrees lower than stated temp. Thank you!

    1. Oh, thank you soo much Donna for such a positive review. I am soo glad you tried and liked the recipe. thank you soo much and have a wonderful weekend.

  10. It would be more convenient if there was an easy print recipe button.

    1. Hello, I will add a print button, thanks for the tip.

  11. I made two batches this morning with fresh picked blueberries . I did not read all of the tips before baking, so all of my ingredients were not at room temperature. That might make a difference on the rise. Mine came out darker and flatter than the pictures , however they are delicious. My 22 year old son grabbed a few on his way out the door this morning and said he really liked them. I will definitely try these again and follow all of the tips. Using paper towels to line the containers is a very good idea so the bottoms of the muffins do not get too soggy.

    1. I am soo sorry for the late reply and really glad you tried the recipe and took the time to leave a comment. The picture contain a lot of lighting so yes, the real ones will come out darker in color. I hope you have an amazing weekend and hope your next batch comes out much better.

  12. Made these this morning. I added a bit of ground flax to top of my 2 cups of almond flour. I used melted butter instead of coconut oil. I used 1/4 unsweetened apples sauce to top off my 1/3 maple syrup. They came out perfect!!!!!!! Total yum! Will make again soon!!

  13. Made these this morning. I added a bit of ground flax to top of my 2 cups of almond flour. I used melted butter instead of coconut oil. I used 1/4 unsweetened apple sauce to top off my 1/3 maple syrup. They came out perfect!!!!!!! Total yum! Will make again soon!!

    1. All the right ingredients for inflammation too! I will definitely try your version and so glad you liked the recipe. Also, thanks for leaving a positive review, it really helps. Have a great weekend.

  14. I made this pretty close to recommended ingredients and because I thought the cooking time was too long decided to check at 20 min and they were done. Baked at 350 Used 1 C WW flour and 1 C almond flour and butter instead of coconut oil They were perfect

    1. Hi Ginny, I’m so glad you tried the recipe, I’ll make sure to add your experience into the post cause I’ve been having some burnt outcomes from my readers. When it comes to baking, stoves, pans, and ingredients plays major roles in the outcome so I get a lot of mixed reviews even though mine always comes out perfect. Thanks so much for leaving a positive review.

  15. These muffins are not sweet at all. I followed your recipe..
    I turned them upside down immediately after taking them out of the oven and cover with a towel. The berries went to the bottom making them a bit soggy.

    1. Hi Mildred, I’m so sorry your muffins didn’t turn out great, also they are not supposed to be sweet because we didn’t add in sugar. Did you use frozen or fresh berries?

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